Variability of fat content and fatty acid composition in oil of dwarf coconut palm at its maturation time

  • Wilson Menezes ARAGUÂO Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros
  • Elizangela Mércia de Oliveira CRUZ Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros
  • Mário TAVARES Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Francisco Elias RIBEIRO Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros
  • Evandro de Almeida TUPINAMBÁ Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros
  • Sabria Aued PIMENTEL Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Emy TAKEMOTO Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Keywords: coconut, dwarf coconut, Cocos nucifera L, pulp, fat, fatty acids


Coconut palm has been considered “the tree of life” since several products have been feasible to beobtained, especially from its fruits. In the present study, the fat content and the fatty acid compositionwere determined in the pulp of dwarf coconut (six cultivars, aged from 6 to 12 months), cultivated in CampoExperimental do Betume, EMBRAPA, Neopolis City, Sergipe State, Brazil. Fat content was evaluated bySoxhlet technique , and fatty acid profile was determined by means of gas-chromatographic technique. Allof the samples presented low amounts of fat, increasing the fat level in proportion to the age until 11months (25.4 g/100 g). Red dwarf coconut pulps from Cameroon and Malaysia revealed high content oflauric acid (from 38.1 to 49.6 g/100 g of oil), providing its use for soap manufacturing and detergentindustries.Key Words


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How to Cite
ARAGUÂO, W. M., CRUZ, E. M. de O., TAVARES, M., RIBEIRO, F. E., TUPINAMBÁ, E. de A., PIMENTEL, S. A., & TAKEMOTO, E. (2004). Variability of fat content and fatty acid composition in oil of dwarf coconut palm at its maturation time. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 63(2), 159-67.