A new technique for the extraction and determination of β-carotene in green stuff

  • Waldomiro Pregnolatto Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Francisco Peduti Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz


A technique has been developed for the extraction and determination of β-carotene from vegetables and all naturally green stuff. The extraction of the pigments is done in a modified Soxlet in such a way that one is able to extract at the same time all the pigments and to separate the chlorophil from the yellow pigments. In the present technique the formation of emulsions is prevented, time is spared and one is able to completelly extract all the β-carotene present in the stuff. The β-carotene is chromatographycally separated from the other pigments, after the extraction and separation of the chlorophil, by a modified Quackenbush et alii technique.
How to Cite
Pregnolatto, W., & Peduti, F. (1962). A new technique for the extraction and determination of β-carotene in green stuff. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 22, 65-68. Retrieved from https://periodicoshomolog.saude.sp.gov.br/index.php/RIAL/article/view/33408