Microscopical investigations in butters

  • A Buller Souto Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • O de GodoyE J B Ferraz Menezes Junior Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


An attempt was made to determine the sanitary state of butter by employing technics for the control of foreign bodies, fungi, parasites and insects in this food-substance. 360 samples of national and foreign butter were examined. With regard to the control of the fungi the largest proportion was 35,8% positive microscopical fields with filaments of mycellia, The rates varied from a minimum of 14% to a maximum of 84% positive microscopical fields with filaments of mycelia. With regard to the foreign bodies the average number was 1545 per 100 grms of butter examined. Regarding the parasites and insects 10% of the samples examined showed parasites and insects. The data collected gave evidence that certain creams in use are deficient as to the methods of collection, separation, preserving, of hygiene in general. The most favorable domestic measure for preventing butter from becoming stale is to keep it in the ice-chest in saltwater, which could be frequently chanted.
How to Cite
Souto, A. B., & Menezes Junior, O. de G. J. B. F. (1946). Microscopical investigations in butters. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 6(1), 28-49. Retrieved from https://periodicoshomolog.saude.sp.gov.br/index.php/RIAL/article/view/33151

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