Barros O. Human yeast infections (overview on the subject)

  • Floriano de Almeida Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, São Paulo, SP
  • Carlos da Silva Lacaz Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, São Paulo, SP
  • Olga de Barros Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São paulo, SP


In this paper the authors discuss the most important human diseases caused by yeasts, and bring out the necessity of a more accurate study of such blastomycosis. Initially they refer to the importance of the yeasts in human pathology, pointing out various works carried on in other countries about this subject. In the next chapter they present a medical classification of the human diseases caused by yeasts, as follows: tegumentary yeast diseases (skin and mucous membranes); thrush; black tongue (glossophytia); vulvo-vaginitis caused by yeasts; pneumomycosis caused by yeasts; generalized yeast disease; cryptococcus granuloma; sprue (?).There are given clinical and therapeutical indications concerning each one of these diseases. The 3rd chapter is dedicated to the study of the chief laboratory tests to be used in the diagnosis of human yeasts. In the next chapter the authors give the criterium followed in the micological study of the pathogenic yeasts.  
How to Cite
Almeida, F. de, Lacaz, C. da S., & Barros, O. de. (1942). Barros O. Human yeast infections (overview on the subject). Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2(2), 326-361. Retrieved from

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