Two new cases of the Juxta-articular Nodosities of Lutz-Jeanselme are presented. In the first case, published in 1923 the Wassermann reaction was positive, there was nodular fibrosis but no necrosis was seen and the lesions disappeared under the antisyphi

  • Mário Sampaio Melo Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


The author, analysing the multiplicity of methods for the determination oF the content of acidity in meals and their consequent difference in the obtained results, for sees the necessity to study more entirely, definitly and united such tecnic, to use only one and convincing method, which brings possibilities of better comparation and judgement over the obtained results. The author, speaking of the principal causes of the acidity in the meals, indicates that the reason of this alteration is their oily content. Such acidity can only be truly represented by the total content of acidity obtained by titrimetry, destroing the pretension of total substitution of this representation by the ionic acidity as it was disputed and defendend by persons interested in this question, in scrapes of meals and flour of mandioca. In some hundreds of comparative determinations, they noted great difference between the results, proving the limited and inexpressive value of the potencial acidity in this products. Concludes, finaly, in front of great analitic documentation, that only the contents of the total acidity can be the representatives of the age and condition of conservation of those products because they are the only one who follow sistematical1y the evolutiv deveelopment of their alterations. 
How to Cite
Melo, M. S. (1941). Two new cases of the Juxta-articular Nodosities of Lutz-Jeanselme are presented. In the first case, published in 1923 the Wassermann reaction was positive, there was nodular fibrosis but no necrosis was seen and the lesions disappeared under the antisyphi. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 1(2), 457-475. Retrieved from