Comparison of some components between floral honey and honeydew honey

  • Gisélia CAMPOS Instituto Adolfo Lutz -Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Regina Célia DELLA MODESTA Instituto Adolfo Lutz -Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Teófilo José Pimentel da SILVA Instituto Adolfo Lutz -Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Délio Soares RASLAN Soares RASLAN Instituto Adolfo Lutz -Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
Keywords: Honey; honeydew; physical and chemical characteristics.


Honeydew honey differs of the floral honey in many aspects. In order to check that eleven honeydew honey and fourteen floral honey were analysed for pH, Lund reaction, conductivity and viscosity. The Fisher test was applied to check if there was any association between the kind of honey and the quantitative aspects of this study. It was demonstrated that there is association between honeydew honey and the pH above 4,2, Lund reaction below 0,6 mL and viscosity above 19,4. In order to study the effects of a gradative addition of honeydew honey on floral honey and its characteristics such as polarimetry, conductivity, pH, ashes, reducing sugars and viscosity, a linear regression analysis of these characteristics, was done using a blend of both kind of honey. It was observed by the regression coefficient b that the floral honey mixed with honeydew honey showed a significative modification of variables studied when the concentration of honeydew honey was increased.  


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How to Cite
CAMPOS, G., DELLA MODESTA, R. C., Pimentel da SILVA, T. J., & Soares RASLAN, D. S. R. (2001). Comparison of some components between floral honey and honeydew honey . Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 60(1), 59 - 64.