Maintenance of fecundity and oviposition in Triatoma infestans after decades of breeding under laboratory conditions

  • Oswaldo da Cruz OLIVEIRA JUNIOR Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Elizabeth Visone NUNES Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Carmem do Socorro GUILHERME Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Sansão da Rocha WESTPHALEN Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Maria Aparecida Moreira SANTOS Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • Helena Hilomi TANIGUCHI Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
  • José Eduardo TOLEZANO Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - SP
Keywords: Triatoma infestans; fecundity; oviposition; biology; breeding laboratory.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of maintenance of fecundity and the capability of oviposition in Reduviid bugs after decades of breeding under laboratory conditions. It was observed the performance of eleven colonies of Triatoma infestans from the Laboratory of Triatomines of Adolfo Lutz Institute. Insects were mated in different ratio of males and females. Two rhythms of alimentation were used. In the first, triatomines were fed weekly, and in the second rhythm the meal were offered every fifteen or twenty one days. During all the study teals were used as blood source, and temperature and humidity were constant, at 27-28°C and 70-80%, respectivelly. The results confirm the importance of the rhythm of alimentation for oviposition. Insects fed weekley showed the best rates of oviposition, it was represented by number of eggs by female per day (efd), between 0.39 to 4.40 efd, being more frequent up to 1.30 efd. Colonies that were fed every fifteen or twenty one days showed inexpressives rates of oviposition, between 0.05 to 1.07 efd, being more frequent below to 0.30efd. It was concluded that after decades of breeding under laboratory conditions it is possible to maintain the fecundity, into normal patterns, in the T. infestans if the rhythm of alimentation of adults don.t exceed seven days. Rhythm of alimentation don.t affected the survival rates of adults, but it was critical for the fecundity and oviposition.  


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How to Cite
da Cruz OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, O., Visone NUNES, E., do Socorro GUILHERME, C., da Rocha WESTPHALEN, S., Moreira SANTOS, M. A., TANIGUCHI, H. H., & TOLEZANO, J. E. (2021). Maintenance of fecundity and oviposition in Triatoma infestans after decades of breeding under laboratory conditions. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 60(1), 43 - 46. Retrieved from