Evaluation of the implementation of good handling practices in an institutional inclusion unit through a tax incentive Program and training

  • Cláudia Winter Universidade do Paraná, Departamento de Nutrição, Curitiba, PR
  • Laissa Benites Medeiros Universidade do Paraná, Departamento de Nutrição, Curitiba, PR
  • Ana Lúcia Serafim Universidade do Paraná, Departamento de Nutrição, Curitiba, PR
  • Lize Stangarlin-Fiori Universidade do Paraná, Departamento de Nutrição, Curitiba, PR
Keywords: food hygiene, quality control, food quality, food handling, Good Handling Practices


This study evaluated the implementation of Good Handling Practices in an Institutional Inclusion Unit in Santa Maria-RS through a program of tax incentives and training, and to assess the included investment. In the first month, a checklist was applied for assessing the adequacy of the Good Handling Practice. An action plan was developed to adjust the nonconformities, to survey the costs and to submit the project for approval. After being approved, a training was done and an eight-month period was stipulated for adjusting the nonconformities. In the last month, the checklist was applied again. In the first checklist application, the unit showed 38 % of adequacy; and after performing some investments, it came to be 93 %.In this first application, low percentage of adequacy was detected in the following issues Integrated Pest Control, Documentation and Registration, and Responsibility. After setting some investments, these items and other issues as Water Supply, Waste Management, Raw Material, Ingredients, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Prepared-Food showed 100 % of adequacy, and the item with the highest investment was Buildings, Facilities, Furniture and Utensils. At the disposal of the investments and training, an increase in the percentage of adequacy concerning the Good Handling Practices was achieved.
How to Cite
Winter, C., Medeiros, L. B., Serafim, A. L., & Stangarlin-Fiori, L. (2015). Evaluation of the implementation of good handling practices in an institutional inclusion unit through a tax incentive Program and training. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 74(1), 75-80. Retrieved from https://periodicoshomolog.saude.sp.gov.br/index.php/RIAL/article/view/33389