Avaliação dos indicadores de qualidade de laboratórios de citopatologia cervical

  • Jacqueline Plewka Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, PR
  • Maurício Turkiewicz Laboratório Labcell Citologia Diagnóstica LTDA, Cascavel, PR
  • Bruna Fischer Duarte Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, PR
  • Michele Ana Flores Chaves Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, PR
  • Cíntia Cestari Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, PR
  • Daniela Cristina Tartari Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, PR
Keywords: quality control, cytology, uterine cervix


This study aimed at evaluating the profile of 13 laboratories that perform the Pap smear for the Public Healthcare System in Paraná State, Brazil, through six internal quality monitoring indicators (MIQ). This retrospective study was based on the data obtained from the Ministry of Health Program, SISCOLO/ CNES, including laboratories performing over 1500 Pap tests/year, from January 2008 to April 2013. The quality assessment of laboratories was performed by analyzing the positivity rate (PR), the percentage of tests compatible with ASC among satisfactory examinations, the ASC among abnormal tests, the tests compatible with HSIL, the unsatisfactory rate and the ASC/SIL ratio. Of analyzed laboratories, only one demonstrated productivity higher than 15.000 tests/year as recommended by QualiCito, and these corresponded to 82.9 % of tests performed in the State. The PR was very low in 46.1 % of laboratories and low in 38.5 %; 18.1 % of laboratories only were within the expected range. The percentage of HSIL was equal to or greater than 0.4 % in 23.1 % of laboratories. Therefore, this study showed that the quality indicators of MIQ of the laboratories performing the cervical cancer screening are below the parameters recommended by the Ministry of Health.
How to Cite
Plewka, J., Turkiewicz, M., Duarte, B. F., Chaves, M. A. F., Cestari, C., & Tartari, D. C. (2015). Avaliação dos indicadores de qualidade de laboratórios de citopatologia cervical. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 73(2), 140-147. https://doi.org/10.18241/0073-98552014731599