Observations on the hydrotopism of the Rhizopus nigricans

  • Jordano Maniero Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


It is demonstrated, by tests of hydrotropism, that the growing of aerial elements of Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenberg may reach eight or more centimeters of length far from the substrate, Based on this phenomenon it is explained one of the mecanisms of contamination by Rhizopus. In further observations of the development of the aerial parts of the mycelium, it was adapted a tube with two openings and introduced a modification in the distribution of the medium. The linear measure of the serial growing of the mycelium under the influence of the hydrotropism was about 49 mm.
How to Cite
Maniero, J. (1959). Observations on the hydrotopism of the Rhizopus nigricans. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 19(1-2), 145-149. Retrieved from https://periodicoshomolog.saude.sp.gov.br/index.php/RIAL/article/view/33331