Notes on the cultivation of meningococcus – I. Culture under an atmosphere of carbon dioxide

  • José Carlos Ribas Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • Manoel de Britto e Silva Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


The authors incubated culture media at an atmosphere of approximately 10% CO2, for the quick isolation of meningococcus from spinal fluid of patients suspected of cerebrospinal-meningitis. All culture media so incubated were controlled by similar media incubated at 37°C. Positive cultures were obtained in 131 of 248 cases. The incubation at an atmosphere of 10% CO2 offered an advantage of 62,87 per cent. Considering these results the authors advise the incubation at an atmosphere of 10% CO2 for the initial isolation of meningococcus.
How to Cite
Ribas, J. C., & Silva, M. de B. e. (1946). Notes on the cultivation of meningococcus – I. Culture under an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 6(2), 193-203. Retrieved from