Comparative studies among the Wilson and Blair medium, for isolating E. typhosa, and the Holt-Harris-Teague and the Calazans-Rangel Pestana media

  • Augusto de E Taunay Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • Ettore Rugai Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • Maria José Faraco Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


Tests were made to determine the comparative effectiveness of the following media for isolating Eberthella typhi present in the faeces of subjects convalescing from typhoid fever: Wilson and Blair's medium, in its original form and as modified by Loureiro and Tabet; Holt-Harris-Teague's eosin-methylene blue medium; and Calazans-Rangel Pestana's lactose-rosolic acid medium. The medium suggested by Tabet proved the most effective: 87,5% positive test as against 59,5% with the Holt-Harris-Teague and Calazans-Rangel Pestana media. In order to get these results, it was necessary to isolate atypical, but easily recognizable colonies, as well as typical ones.
How to Cite
Taunay, A. de E., Rugai, E., & Faraco, M. J. (1944). Comparative studies among the Wilson and Blair medium, for isolating E. typhosa, and the Holt-Harris-Teague and the Calazans-Rangel Pestana media. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 4(1-2), 196-202. Retrieved from

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