Notes on Salmonella pauloensis

  • Luis de Salles Gomes Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


The author made the rewiew of one of his works published in 1933. Based mainly on the bio-chemical characteres, which he met in "Bergey's Manual" (3rd. ed. 1930), the author described a probable new species of the genus Salmonella which he had isolatedfrom human blood faeces and urine and for which he had proposed the name of Salmonella pauloensis. However, as the result of numerous mistakes an omissions contained in the apointed edition of "Bergey's Manual", specially those of the chapter on the Salmonella genus, the author was misled in his effort to make a systhemic classification of the isolated germes. Studying over, recently, two cultures isolated from blood and faeces, still preserved by the author and comparing their behavior with that of a sample of Salmonlla. columbensis (Castellani) originally from "Lister Institute" of London (Dr. Krumwied) the author verified the perfect identity of the 3 samples from the bio-chemical stand point. Such identity was also observed from serological wiew point when crossed absorption tests were made. Finally the author thinks that it is interesting the fact that in S. Paulo (Brazil) a Salmonella was isolated from the blood of patients aparently suffering from typhoid or paratyphoid fever and from faeces with dysenteriform aspect, identical with the species of salmonella met with in faeces of patients from Colombo in Ceylan Island and discribed, in 1914, by Castellani under the name of Salmonella columbensis.
How to Cite
Gomes, L. de S. (1942). Notes on Salmonella pauloensis. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2(2), 231-235. Retrieved from