Some important aspects of guarana (Paullinia cupana). Study and characterization of its alkaloid

  • Nelson Cagno Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


The author begins by explaining that the botanic classification most commonly used for the "guaraná plant" is the Paullinia cupana. Then he gives a historic outline of the studies about that specie and a few of the chemical substances found in it as well as the coloring materials in comparison with the other plants, and its alcaloides. The analysis of the asher was made by the spectrographical process wich showed great richness in mineral substances, especially titanius and fosforus. The following studies were made as to the quantity of lipides, paulino tanic acid, the total quantity of nitrogen, etc. He then studied the alcaloid extracted from the guaraná under a spectrographical view. He also shows that the absorption specturm, obtained with the alcaloid extracted from the guaraná and with chemically pure cafein are indentical. He studies the alcaloid extracted from the guaraná in comparison with chemically pure cafein noting the coincidence of fluorescence and melting point. Next he doses the alcaloid by various methods. The author concludes that the alcaloid from the guaraná is cafein and that the average quantity found is 4,18 g/%.
How to Cite
Cagno, N. (1942). Some important aspects of guarana (Paullinia cupana). Study and characterization of its alkaloid. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2(1), 69-99. Retrieved from