Complement fixation reaction for the diagnosis of amebiasis

  • Augusto de E Taunay Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • Marcelo Oswaldo Alvares Corrêa Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • Gabriel Garcia de Figueiredo Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


The authors, after pointing out that there was found no publication about the subject in the national literature, describe the technique used for the culture of E.hystolitica, using coagulated beef serum and Loke's solution. Afterwards they describe the techniques used for the extraction of the antigen and the verification of the antigen and anticomplementary power, the antigens having been used dissolved at 1:30 in physiologic solution. They report the technique used in the reaction, its interpretation, and the results obtained, in comparison with those of the examination of stool (direct examination, Faust's enrichment method, iron hematoxylin stain and culture). There were considered negative for E.hystolitica in stool only those cases in which there were made 5 series of tests performed at different occasions. There was an accordance with the stool examination in 79 cases out of 82 tested, or 96,34%, while in 3, or 3,66%  the results disagreed.
How to Cite
Taunay, A. de E., Corrêa, M. O. A., & Figueiredo, G. G. de. (1942). Complement fixation reaction for the diagnosis of amebiasis. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2(1), 34-41. Retrieved from

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