Susceptibility of Cebus versuta Elliot the virus inguinal poradenitis

  • Luis dem Sales Gomes Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP
  • F Barros Magaldi Jordão Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, SP


After a quick review of the several genuses and species of monkeys susceptible to infections by the virus of the inguinal poradenitís (disease of Nicolas-Favre) the authors carried on a series of experiments and researches in order to show the susceptibility to such virus infection by a species of monkey commonly found in the Occidental and Northern zones of the State of S. Paulo (Brazil), the so-called Cebus versuta Elliot. Two monkeys of such species (♀ and ♂) when inoculated by the intra-cerebral route with the poradenitis virus obtained from man through serial intra-cerebral inoculation in mice, presented different types of infection: 1.o – Cebus versuta ♀. The only symptom was fever and loss of weigth. The fever lasted about 25 days after which the monkey got well. This type of infection migth perhaps be classified as chronic febrile. In the 9th day of disease (temp. 40°C.) it was bled from the vein and the virus was demonstrated in the circulating blood by intra-craneal inoculations in mice, The blood virus kept its power to the third inoculation series thereafter loosing the disease producing properties; 2.° - Cebus versuta ♂, had an acute type of infection followed by paralysis, great loss of weight and death in the 9th day. In the blood of this specimen the presence of the virus was also demonstred. The brain of this monkey inoculated in mice produced the disease and the dead antigenic suspensions of the same material gave positive Frei reaction in patients with inguinal poradenitis and stenosing rectitis. Microscopical sections of the brain of this monkey showed heavy meningitis both cortical and septal, besides discret encephalitis foci. In the kidneys was found an acute glomerulo-nefritis. The authors call attention to the kidney lesions caused by the virus, a fact, they think, so far not mentioned in experimental work with such virus,
How to Cite
Gomes, L. dem S., & Jordão, F. B. M. (1942). Susceptibility of Cebus versuta Elliot the virus inguinal poradenitis. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2(1), 3-17. Retrieved from