Comparative study between the Levirie and Vaughn medium and a new peptone-free medium for determining the H2S production by bacteria

  • Ettore Rugai Instituto Adolfo Lutz. São Paulo, SP


In the present paper the author describes a new medium as a test for H2S, production by bacteria using beef-serum as base, and ammonio-citrate iron as indicator. The medium does not contain peptone the value of which varies in production of H2S according to its origin. In comparative studies with the medium of Levine and Vaughn (1932) the author observed that the results agreed in 100% of the cases. There were tested 90 strains of Salmonellas, 40 of E. typhosa, 36 of S. ambigua, 19 of Proteus, 280 of E. coli, 55 of E. freundii, 38 of A. aerogenes and 26 of A. cloacae. 
How to Cite
Rugai, E. (1941). Comparative study between the Levirie and Vaughn medium and a new peptone-free medium for determining the H2S production by bacteria. Revista Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 1(2), 373-380. Retrieved from